Service department
We have invested in a fully equipped service department, which is by your side whenever you need it.
The know-how of our partners, the immediacy and optimal repair time, guarantee you the uninterrupted operation & high performance of your equipment.
Contact the service department
Andon Constantin Sergiu
Service Manager

Screen cleaning instructions
Properly clean the screens of all your machines, and secure it their long-term and proper operation.

Cleaning & Maintenance of handle and STORZ impact transmitter change
Proper and regular cleaning and maintenance of the handle is essential to the proper operation of the Storz Shockwave, as is the timely replacement of the plunger as specified by the manufacturer.

Useful Tips for Your Machines
The better your equipment is maintained, the longer it will be at your disposal with excellent performance. Our technical department gives you some smart tips to contribute to their perfect maintenance.